UCCJEA (Child Custody Enforcement) In Los Angeles

In 1997, Congress passed the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) in order to address two major concerns relating to child custody laws throughout the United States. First, the UCCJEA provides clear standards that states now rely upon in considering matters of original jurisdiction and interstate child custody.

After more than 30 years of basing decisions on the old Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA), courts were becoming increasingly concerned about how to modify custody arrangements in a society that is becoming increasingly mobile and complex. In addition, the UCCJEA gives judges a clear process for determining and enforcing interstate custody and visitation rights. Judges and family court professionals now have clear parameters for deciding on matters involving custodial child relocation to another state, modification of parenting schedules and the enforcement of parental rights.

How Does The UCCJEA Affect Relocation, Visitation And Child Support?

UCCJEA laws are complex. Since 1995, Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers has been recognized as a leading family law firm for cases involving the application and interpretation of the UCCJEA.

Our attorneys work in unison with out-of-state counsel to ensure that matters involving interstate child custody jurisdiction are handled efficiently, effectively, and in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the client is seeking to obtain enforcement of custody orders. We have an extensive understanding of how the UCCJEA is interpreted in California courts. When considering the safety and security of your child, you should have the top child custody lawyer Los Angeles has to offer. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdictional Enforcement Act Representation

Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers have been providing effective divorce representation in cases involving complex issues of UCCJEA, child custody and relocation since 1995. Contact us for a consultation. We have offices conveniently located in LA’s Century City and Orange County.

The UCCJEA has an impact on nearly every area of family law involving children:

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Our attorneys here at Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers, LLP have been providing effective representation in family law cases since 1995. Email us to request a private consultation about your family law matter or call our office at 310-750-9510.